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Curriculum Vitae



  • M.A., English, University of Illinois – Springfield, September 2007
    Thesis: “‘To tell the truth, true and not true’: Deconstructing Philosophies of Truth in Shakespeare’s Troilus and Cressida.” Dir. Dr. Ethan Lewis

  • B.A., (Summa Cum Laude) English, University of Illinois – Springfield, 2005

  • A.A., (with honors) Liberal Arts, Lincoln Land Community College, 2004




  • CRLA Summer Institute Tutor Trainer Program (July 2023)

  • Women in Leadership, Cornell University (April 2022)

  • Building Digital Community Online Faculty Training, University of Illinois—Springfield (May 2018)

  • New Online Faculty Program, Lincoln Land Community College (December 2014)

  • Web Authoring and Design, Lincoln Land Community College (December 2013)

  • Internet Programming, Lincoln Land Community College (December 2010)




Adjunct Instructor of English, Lincoln Land Community College (2007-2022)

  • CSS 100  College Success Skills

  • EGL 098  Basic English

  • EGL 099  Developmental Writing

  • EGL 105  Career Communications II          

  • EGL 100  Introduction to Composition (traditional classroom and online sections)

  • EGL 101  Composition I (traditional classroom, online, and hybrid sections)

  • EGL 102  Composition II (traditional classroom and online sections

  • EGL 111  Introduction to Literature: The Novel

  • EGL 114  Introduction to Film as Literature (traditional classroom and online sections)


Adjunct Instructor of English, University of Illinois – Springfield (2008-2022)

  • ENG 091 Critical Reading Strategies (traditional classroom, online, and hybrid sections)

  • ENG 101 Rhetoric and College Writing (traditional classroom, online, and hybrid sections)

  • ENG 102 College Writing and Civic Engagement (traditional classroom and online sections)

  • ENG 367 ECCE: Effective Tutoring through Service Learning (online)

  • English Brush-Up, Summer Bridge Program (traditional classroom and hybrid sections)




  • Academic Support Programs Coordinator, Lincoln Land Community College (2022-present)

  • Writing Center Specialist, Lincoln Land Community College (2007-2022)

  • Online Writing Tutor, Pearson Smarthinking (Fall 2015)

  • English Department Graduate Assistant, University of Illinois – Springfield (2005-2007)

  • Online Teaching Assistant, University of Illinois – Springfield (2006)

  • ENG 375 Expository Writing (online)

  • ENG 301 Introduction to the Discipline (online)

  • Applied Study Internship: Teaching Assistant, Lincoln Land Community College (2005)  

  • COM 099 Developmental Writing

  • Coordinator, Freshman Tutoring Program, University of Illinois – Springfield (2005)  

  • Writing Tutor, University of Illinois – Springfield (2004)




  • College Reading and Learning Association (2022-present)

  • National College Learning Center Association (2022-present)

  • International Writing Centers Association (2018-present)

  • Midwest Writing Centers Association (2021-present)

  • Online Writing Centers Association (2021-present)




  • “Disruptive Labor: The Transformative Work of Pushing Boundaries.” Where Have We Been, Where Are We Going? Stories About Writing Center Labor: A Guide to Labor Advocacy, Theory, and Storying in Writing Center Studies, Eds. Genie Giaimo and Daniel Lawson, forthcoming 2023.

  • “The Death of the Deviant: Panopticism in Thomas Hardy’s The Return of the Native.” The Hardy Society Journal, vol. 5, no. 1, Spring 2009, pp. 39-47.




  • “The Tattoo Artist,” poem published in The Lincoln Land Review, Spring 2023

  • “Sweet Dreams,” poem published in The Ruptured Seed,  33rd ed.,  Fall 2004.

  • “One Small Sin,” short fiction published in The Ruptured Seed,  33rd ed.,  Spring 2004.

  • “Barbie, the Feminist,” essay publish in The Harvester,  Spring 2003.




  • “Embedded Tutoring Program Design: Best Practices for (Re)Designing a Successful Embedded Tutoring Program.” NCLCA 38th Annual Conference, forthcoming September 2023.

  • “At the Point of Need: Collaborative Embedded Support Initiative Yields Increased Benefits for Students.” Co-presenter Julie Clevenger. NCLCA 38th Annual Conference, forthcoming September 2023.

  • “Lifting Learning Barriers: Positioning Embedded Tutoring as a High-Impact Practice to Increase Student Mastery of Core Competencies.” Co-presenters Dr. Colin Suchland and Suzanne Carbonaro. Assessment Institute, October 2022.

  • “The Win-Win: Improving Student Engagement and Skills Via Embedded Tutoring.” Co-presenter Dr. Colin Suchland. Professional Development Day, Lincoln Land Community College, Fall 2022.

  • “Moving the Needle: Embedded Tutoring Yields Measurable Results.” Co-presenter Dr. Colin Suchland. Assessment Fair, Lincoln Land Community College, Fall 2022.

  • “Write Outside the Box: (Re)Imagining Writing in Non-English Courses.” Co-presenter Dr. Karen Sisk. Professional Development Day, Lincoln Land Community College, Fall 2021.

  • “Engagement Strategies for Online Learners.” Discussion Panel, Professional Development Day, Lincoln Land Community College, Fall 2017.

  • “2016 MLA Updates.” Professional Development Day. Lincoln Land Community College. Fall 2016.

  • “Teaching and Learning with Infographics.” Instructional Technology and Distance Education, Lincoln Land Community College, Fall 2015.

  • “Beyond the Classroom: Project-Based Learning.” Instructional Technology and Distance Education Innovation Celebration, Lincoln Land Community College, Spring 2015.

  • “Teaching with Social Media.” Professional Development Day, Lincoln Land Community College, Fall 2012.

  • “iWrite Cool: Teaching Academic Writing Through Conventions of Social Media Discourse.” Computers and Writing, Raleigh, NC, May 2012.

  • “National Day on Grammar Discussion Panel.” Lincoln Land Community College, Spring 2012.

  • “Sold Out / Sold Short: The Place of Writing Centers in the Two-Year College.” Illinois Philological Association, Decatur, IL, April 2008. 

  • “The Anti-Awakening: Edna’s Quest for the Lost Mother.” Illinois Philological Association, Springfield, IL,  April 2007.

  • “Beyond the Archetype: Survivance and the Story.” The Native American Literature Symposium,  Mt. Pleasant, MI,  March 2007.

  • “Social Surveillance and the Death of the Deviant: Panopticism in Hardy’s The Return of the Native.” Illinois Philological Association, Chicago, April 2006.

  • “Surviving the English Major: Discovering What It Really Takes.” Midwest Modern Language Association, Milwaukee, November 2005.

  • “Properties of Passion: Symbolism in ‘The Storm’.” Illinois Philological Association, Decatur, IL, April 2005.

  • “Barbie, The Feminist.” Illinois Community College Faculty Association, Springfield, IL, 2004.




Lincoln Land Community College

  • Embedded Tutoring Online Discussion Group, host (Summer 2023)

  • Enrollment Management Team, professional staff representative (2022-present)

  • DFW Sub Team, team leader (2022-present)

  • Faculty Senate, adjunct representative (2021-2022)

  • Professional Development Day Task Force, adjunct representative (2021-2022)

  • Paul Simon Essay Contest: LLCC Review Committee, professional staff representative (2008-2022)

  • Professional Advisory Committee, professional staff representative, Vice Chair (2019-2021)

  • SAVE Taskforce, professional staff and adjunct faculty representative (2015-2017)

  • Educational Assistance Committee, professional staff representative (2014-2016)

  • Professional Development Team, professional staff representative (2011-2012)

  • Professional Development Day Work Group, adjunct faculty representative (2011-2012)

  • Professional Advisory Committee, professional staff representative (2010-2012)

  • ICCB ABE to Credentials Design Team, LLCC adjunct faculty representative (2011)

  • Shared Governance Council, professional staff representative (2008-2011)

  • Employee Recognition Committee, professional staff representative (2008-2010)

  • Shared Governance Committee, professional staff representative (2008-2009)

  • LLCC Library Book of the Month (2008)

  • Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education, student representative (2004)

  • Woman of the Year Selection Committee, student representative (2004)


University of Illinois – Springfield

  • Summer Bridge Curriculum Design Committee (2016)

  • English Program Personnel Committee, graduate student representative (2006)

  • Composition/Rhetoric Faculty Search Committee, graduate student representative (Spring 2005)

  • Course Development with English Department Chair, Dr. James Ottery: ENG 301 Introduction to the Discipline (2005)




  • Highlands Neighborhood Association, Secretary (2019-2022)

  • Al-Anon Family Groups, rotating service positions (2016-present)

  • Edu-Talk, Founder/Host (2011-2017)

  • M.E.R.C.Y. Communities (2010-2011)

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