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Embedded Tutoring

In 2020, I designed our writing center’s model for embedded tutoring and helped the center launch a pilot of that program in 2021. Because of the level of success our initial assessment revealed, I was asked to expand this program to a broader embedded support initiative through our Center for Academic Success and it’s professional academic support staff and peer tutors. I was first introduced to an embedded tutoring model in 2008 as an instructor for the English Department at UIS. Based on this experience, I began intensely researching embedded tutoring and designing the model we currently use at LLCC. Currently, I am leading a team that is designing a comprehensive model for embedded support at our college that will unify the embedded tutoring efforts across multiple academic support services for the purpose of increasing student success rates across disciplines in high-DFW courses.


What Is Embedded Tutoring?

Embedded tutoring is a form of course-embedded academic support where a staff member such as a peer tutor, part- or full-time degreed professional, or in some cases a tenure- or non-tenure-track faculty member from an academic support service (e.g. math or writing center, learning center, library, etc.) regularly attends a section of a course that has been designed around active learning pedagogy, providing tutoring (i.e. one-on-one or small group instruction) and other academic support during class time. 


Embedded Tutoring Resources

Join the shared Google Drive folder on Embedded Tutoring Resources to access bibliographies, examples of program descriptions, training materials, and assessment tools; share and exchange materials and ideas; and connect with others interested in embedded tutoring.


Embedded Tutoring Community

Join a community of learning center professionals with varying levels of experience with embedded tutoring programs. Participate in online discussion groups, email correspondence, and collaboration with colleagues around the country. Send me a message on the Contact page to be added to the email distribution list.

Adjunct Support Program

As a long-time adjunct instructor, supporting our adjunct faculty is my part-time, unpaid passion. I volunteer as a mentor for new adjunct faculty, and I am designing a model for adjunct support services that would include a director of adjunct services devoted to recruitment, professional development, and mentorship; a comprehensive adjunct faculty onboarding process; and an online resource center where adjunct faculty can find important information and contacts, connect with their department liaison and other adjunct faculty, and learn about opportunities to be involved in campus teams and events.

Tutor Training

As the coordinator of a CRLA Level 1 certified peer tutoring program, all the training materials I design meet the College Reading and Learning Association's guidelines for effective tutor training. Because half of my tutors' training is conducted asynchronously online via the college's LMS, all lessons and training activities also meet Quality Matters standards for online learning. Join the shared Google Drive folder Tutor Training Resource Library to find and share great ideas for training your tutors.


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© 2023 by Tiffany-Anne M. Elliott

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